Keep onporting” on…

Doesn’t really matter how much crazier this world gets, we’ll keep trekking on, creating, distributing, and hanging out. Can’t lie, it’s very confusing regarding how to feel about going onward. Sometimes it’s, “Why bother?” and other moments it’s like, “Bah. Humbug.” — It just doesn’t come clear anymore, not in expectation, not in energy, and not in desire (Mararka qaar). But why, truly?? Well, it probably starts with environment and ends withuncertainty”.

Probably other things as well but hej!

Positive futures for now.




U sheeg Caalamka! Hadda!!
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About Takeo Tama 179 Articles
Music. Adventure. Makers.℠


  1. This is a great piece. Life is full of ups and downs, as humans, we must always move on

  2. This is informative and educative. One should not be hopeless in life. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This is an inspiring article. It helps to be determined and focused about one’s vision and mission.

  4. Whatever challenges comes our way in life and how crazier the world gets, we have to keep going and survive. The future matters to us not to give up.

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